Sunday, August 29, 2004

Three Things I Learned This Weekend

1. A co-worker of mine not only broke out of the Oakland jail in the 60s, but--and this is impressive--after he was out on the street and realized that the police would shoot him licketysplit when they tracked him down, he attempted to break back into jail and was captured in the process.

2. If you are involved in a fender bender on Highway 101 in Marin County, and the offending driver happens to be an illegal immigrant with no license, registration, insurance, or a meaningful understanding of the English language, the cops will be surprisingly nice to the illegal immigrant if she happens to be a young attractive Mexican girl that will not stop bawling her brains out. There's a ridiculous story here, but I'm not in the mood to type it out.

3. HDTV still has a few years to go before it's worth buying. Regular TV looks blurry on it.


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