Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Dumbest Editorial Ever

I, along with several readers of this site, am a graduate of the International Baccalaureate program. Like almost all of my friends, I found this program challenging, intellectually provocative, and deeply rewarding. Also like almost all of my friends, I went on to a tough college and found it, on the whole, easier than high school. IB is a good thing.

This idiot article quotes a woman who says the IB program "promotes socialism, disarmament, radical environmentalism and moral relativism, while attempting to undermine Christian religious values and national sovereignty." Which is totally ridiculous. I haven't even recycled since last week's PETA disarmament meeting down on Comrade Vitalefsky's commune.

And who do you expect would publish such swill? Who else- Republican/Religious mouthpiece The Washington Times.


At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Agreed, this is some horsecrap. The dude in the editorial talks about scrapping programs like IB that keep talented kids in public schools, instead of in private ones, but then he complains when the schools suck in the District and rich parents send their kids to good private schools.

The Washington Post had an article that touched on the same debate, but there the argument was that IB was dropped because colleges don't understand it.

The truth is, if you are really good enough to get into IB and graduate, then you are not going to apply to some idiot school that doesn't know shit about top level programs. That's like saying if you want to go to Stanford you shouldn't go to Exeter because Stanford doesn't know about east coast schools.

Total crap.



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