Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Salinas, Land of Steinbeck and Expensive Housing

Interesting housing report came out today. Unsurprisingly, California leads the way in unaffordable housing. More interestingly, Salinas ranks as the third least affordable place to live in the US.

I've been to Salinas. It's a dump. Aside from the Steinbeck Center, there's literally nothing to do (pun intended). Apparently this report compares the cost of living to the amount of money the residents NYC, while clearly the more expensive place to live, is relatively not that expensive because New Yorkers make more money.

Which I think is misleading. Come on, to say Salinas is less affordable than Monterey, 20 miles away but far ritzier? One needs more money to buy the same things in Monterey than they do in Salinas...and to me that's what affordable means.

This reinforces an important point: statistics can be contorted to say anything.


At 4:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, of course the most important thing when considering housing is location, location, location. Truly, what better location in the country than right down the road from the Steinbeck center. The man brought us East of Eden after all.


At 7:41 AM, Blogger soce said...

NY real estate is WAY overpriced. I've been looking at completely shitty places that are completely falling apart and/or far far away from the subway, tiny and awful, and cost around $300K. Typical 1BR apts cost around $400K to $500K. It's completely ludicrous when you think that in some states, a whole house will cost like $220K or less.. sometimes like $100K. Man!!!


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