Miss Turner I Presume
So I'm in line for dinner at this fancy shmancy Dallas event and doing a little shmoozing with my linemates. The talk turns to football and I mention that my blood ran cold upon passing Texas Stadium on the drive in. Word gets out that I'm a Redskins fan, and this woman turns to me and asks me what I think of Norv Turner.
My first words: I HATE NORV TURNER!
Every true Redskins fan will agree with this, of course, as head "coach" Norv had the backbone of a jellyfish and the personality of stinky bananas. But I may have gone on too long complaining about how he drove the franchise into the ground with his wishy-washiness, how I'd like to be a Raiders fan but can't until he gets fired (shouldn't be long now!).
Then, of course, the woman identified herself as Norv Turner's niece.
She went on to say that there were "a lot of politics at stake there" - which I was intrigued by and asked to hear the details. Hey, Norv's a shmuck but he was certainly a nice guy and I'm willing to consider all of the evidence. She declined, presumably because she's aware that Norv's case is unsalvageable, and gave me the Stare of Hell. Needless to say I continued to a different area for the rest of the evening.
But, as my man Fidel always says, La Historia Me Absolvera!
Now two things strike me about this encounter.
First, it seems like Norv's niece is a real biyatch. Talk about setting a trap for Matt to walk into. I don't know what she could have expected to hear from a Redskin's fan that would have pleased her. (As a Giant's fan, I would have been pleased to tell her that Norv is a great man.)
Second, Matt has a history of meeting the descendants of people who have fell out of his favor.
Case in point: during a fall 2000 trip to Ithaca, NY, Matt started chatting up a young Latina woman at a Cornell bar. A few minutes later, it's revealed that this lady is a direct relative of Augusto Pinochet, and Matt happened to have spent the previous summer trying to booster a case Pinochet's extradition to Spain to face charges for murder.
Now it's unfair to judge Norv Turner on the same page as Pinochet. In both cases "a lot of politics were at stake."
- MB
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