Another Reason to Love the Big Aristotle
Shaq just got his MBA, for which he did most of the work online. He wanted the degree, he claims, partially because he may have to leave his fantasy world and work 9 to 5 like the rest of us one day.
Uh, Shaq? You make $30 million a year. Unless you pull a Mike Tyson or MC Hammer on us, and I personally like to think you're far too smart and charming for that, ain't no WAY you're going to have to work a 9 to 5.
And even if you do blow all that loot, there's always the music career to fall back on. Kazaam!
Reason #493 to love him:
7 feet tall, 300 pounds, AND black = biggest dong in history.
nice one steve.
another one like that and i may have to disable the comment feature.
I thought you were against censorship...
You should rename this Sissy Blog
against censorship and for enlightened/funny discourse, but this is a dictatorship not a democracy. if you wanna be gross about my mom (for the second post in a row), get your own blog.
I was wondering what motivated Shaquille O'Neal to get his MBA.
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