Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Today's Trivia

Were there more injuries today in:

A. the historic evacuation of the Gaza Strip
B. NFL training camp
C. a stampede in Virginia for 4-year-old Apple laptops

If you guessed C, not only would you be correct, I would hope that you feel some stomach curdling for American consumerism. That bitter taste may be quickly glossed over with the ol' the-US-is-still-a-pretty-good-country-despite-all-the-idiots attitude -- I mean, at least we're not kicking anybody out of Hawaii, right? -- but still. HITTING PEOPLE WITH FOLDING CHAIRS? SELF-URINATION? For OLD computers that nobody uses? Grow up!


At 9:06 PM, Blogger Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

LOL! Anytime I feel bad about myself I'm going to remember the pathetic lady who peed herself rather than lose her place in line to get a free used outdated Apple computer.

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. I'm rolling over laughing. I tried really hard not to scroll down because I was TEMPTED to say "B."

"Self-urination" - that is quite the euphemism!


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