Down With Palestine
I'm not one to post twice in ten minutes frequently, but this article really pissed me off.
Over the past 24 hours, here's what happened in Gaza:
1. Some idiot Palestinians accidentally blew up other, innocent Palestinians inside Gaza.
2. A bunch of terrorists decided to pretend that ISRAEL had led that attack, rather than the Palestinians that everybody said led the attack. As such, they fired missiles into Israel, wounding civilians.
3. Not a country to stand for being attacked, much less for something they didn't do, Israel led airstrikes into Gaza. Through targeted attacks, two confirmed terrorists were killed.
4. The subsequent quote from Hamas:
"This was an Israeli massacre," Sami Abu Zohri, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said of Friday's explosion. "They are continuing their aggression against our people inside this liberated area, so we will keep our right to fight the occupation. We can assure them that as long as the Israeli aggression continues, inside and outside of Gaza, the resistance will continue in those areas as well."
I can't understand how Americans could be on the side of the Palestinians, now or ever. Palestinians attack civilians; Israelis attack legitimate terrorist targets. Palestinian democracy is limp at best; Israel has been a democracy for all of its existence. Israel made concessions to get out of Gaza that they didn't have to do, without violence, ahead of schedule; in response, Palestinians held military parades and promised to take over the rest of Israel rather than saying thanks and pledging to make peace. Plus Arafat was a huge liar and jerk (although I guess I can't beat that horse any more).
I'm sick and tired of people in the Bay Area being pro-Palestinian because they see Palestinian kids getting killed on the news. We all agree, that is not right; I'll be the first to admit that sometimes the Israeli army goes too far. Thrown stones do not equal bullets. But the general Bay Area ignorance of the bigger issues, the kind of fight going on here, the irrational Palestinian arguments, the legacy of the Holocaust--and then hearing about this latest sham by the Palestinians--makes me want to break things.
This is the real reason for 9/11. Not Iraq. Not "weapons of mass destruction." The existence of Israel in the face of Muslim fundamentalism. This is what matters. This is what needs to be solved.
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