Good Omens for Good Friday
As has been heavily documented here and elsewhere, I regularly ride my bike to work. This week, after weeks of rain, I've finally had the opportunity to get back on the bike and ride in a few days. It's great to be back!
1. In the past, I used to see a little old Chinese lady riding her crappy mountain bike through Sausalito. Not only did she ride extremely slowly and feebly, as if she was going to topple over at any second, she also wore a baseball cap UNDERNEATH her helmet! The baseball cap is always angled about 30 degrees to the side, as if she is en route to a rap video.
Naturally, I always wish this old lady a good morning as I pass her. Once she got used to me doing this, she started wishing me good morning too.
Today, after four months of not seeing her, presumably because of inclement conditions/early nightfall, I found her right by the ferry terminal in Sausalito! Greetings were exchanged; our anonymous relationship sparkled. Hooray!
2. As I got closer to work, I passed a gentleman in full cycling regalia riding an expensive road bike and SIMULTANEOUSLY sipping a latte. For those of you who have not ridden a road bike, trust me that this is no simple task, and says oceans about the gentleman's fine character, as well as the day's destined good fortune.
I saluted his impressive multi-tasking regimen, and he saluted me in turn!
3. UPDATED!!! Not sure how I forgot this one, but I also exceeded 40 mph on my way down the hill from the Golden Gate Bridge, into a stiff headwind. REWARD: the boss let us go home at 2.
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