Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Joe Lieberman: Man Without a Soul

Joe Lieberman just got spanked for being the annoying, Bush-apologist, soulless old man that he is.

Joe's been annoying Connecticut residents past and present (put me in the past camp) since his days of decrying offensive lyrics in music. Then it was badmouthing B-Clinton. Then it was running for VP and Senator simultaneously, meaning that if he and Gore had won, the Republican governor would have appointed a Republican and the Democrats would have lost a seat in the Senate. Shows a lot of heart, don't it?

Then he supported several stupid wars and became go-to puppet for W. And now that Connecticut Democrats have wised up and replaced him with a person who actually agrees in the platform of the Democratic party, Joe decided to run as an Independent!

Clearly, Joe doesn't care about anybody except himself. I voted for Joe as both VP and Senator in 2000, but that's because I have a policy of voting for Democrats. It's a little something called party loyalty that's as foreign to Joe Lieberman as core Democratic values.

Just give Joe his soapbox, wind him up, and watch him squawk.


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