Friday, August 11, 2006

Quick Hits on Mission Life

I've lived in the Mission for nearly a week now - time to start making some generalizations!

1. People are happier in the Mission.

2. It's noticeably warmer and sunnier - I was wearing shorts and sandals several times this week.

3. Energy levels are higher. Part of this is living on a bigger street, with stoplights and restaurants. Part of this is the lack of families and surplus of twentysomethins. Part of this is the density of bars.

4. Parking is no harder than in the Haight. Phew!

5. I see far fewer dirty/scary people on the street than I used to. A few blocks makes a big difference in the Mission - Mission Street itself is Vagrant Centrale, whereas Dolores Park (a ten-second walk from my pad) is hipster/Mexican dudes playing soccer/dog Centrale.

6. I now live a lot closer to many of my friends. Which is fantastic. But it's also raising demands for social time, which can be a drag on A) my wallet and B) time dedicated to reading and writing my various works of superlative imagination. A balance shall be struck.

7. The Mission has more soul. More latin music, more dancing on the sidewalks, more smiling at strangers. See point #1.


At 12:46 PM, Blogger Meghan said...

it seems that you are preferring the mission my friend! glad you have arrived! i ran past your house the other, but didnt know which one it was. Alas.


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