Friday, September 01, 2006

Cali Love

California just passed some of the most sweeping legislation to curb global warming in world history. Instead of acceding to business or short-term goals, California is leading the way in a pragmatic AND idealistic solution to head off the greatest threat to the future of humanity. Ourselves.

Yet again, I'm proud to live here. Ideas start in California. California has led the world in technology, stem cell research, rock n' roll, gay marriage (for a while), and health care (hopefully). The only other state that comes close is Massachusetts (US Revolution, health care, Big Dig, gay marriage, Kennedy family), but California easily wins on the intangibles, primarily the months from November to April.

Plus we've got the beach, fabulous weather, gorgeous scenery, proximity to Hawaii and Asia, excellent food (other than pizza), world-class ski resorts, high salaries, almost zero preppy people, Bay2Breakers, a strong literary community, Hollywood (you know you love it) casual dress codes, leash-free parks, and a more relaxed - but still serious - outlook on life.

Ah, if only I could afford some real estate...


At 8:54 AM, Blogger Meghan said...

thanks for keeping me informed. and for reminding me that cali really does fucking rock. though when you say no preppy people, maybe you need to make an exclusion about LA?


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