HomoHop Hooray!
On Saturday night, I attended the Peace Out HomoHop Festival over in Oakland. I was mostly there to represent Y-Bomb alumnus Scoe AKA Soce, the Elemental Wizard AKA Andy Singer AKA the artist responsible for GayHipHop.com's featured clip for September, who was live and in full effect. Actually, Scoe was really good. I was apprehensive, as he performed numbers off of his album that I don't particularly care for--but the Scoe energy live in concert far exceeds the recorded version. He had people JUMPING. Plus, Scoe unveiled the Bar Mitvah remix that just tore the roof off, and his ode to Dungeons and Dragons had me chanting "7 HP" for the rest of the night. If you haven't seen Scoe live and you live in NYC--go see him!
An entire festival devoted to gay rap. Pretty weird, one would think. But in all honesty, the crowd at the show wasn't much different from your standard crowd walking down Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley. Weird, yes--but what else is new? I also liked this female rapper called Da Lyrical--she reminded me of Lady of Rage off of Doggystyle, if anybody remembers her.
2 interesting side notes:
1. Scoe, a mild-mannered guy from New Hampshire, develops a thick Bronx brogue when he gets on stage.
2. I was waiting in line for the bathroom while a big fat black lady was bent over a sink, scrubbing the hell out of her face. After fifteen seconds she turned to me and said: "Is there any hair on my face?" Indeed there was, lady. Indeed there was.
Dude, too bad I missed it. I haven't heard a great rap song about Dungeons and Dragons since the Crazy Blood Mafia performed "Warlock Defeats Earthworm" at the 1992 San Fernando Valley Model Airplane Convention.
Blew my mind.
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