Seven Samurai of Death!

Some of you may remember my recent voyage to Japan. Well, it inspired me in many ways--but primarily to round up seven people, drink a lot of sake, and sneak into a pool on Halloween.
I give you the magnificent seven:
1. Me. (Front Left) Dressed in a legit kimono from Asakusa, a Zens-brand sash, and the finest weaponery Halloween Headquarters has to offer, I also dyed my hair black, penciled in my freshly-crafted pornographer/relief pitcher fu manchu, and withstood an onslaught of eye makeup. Verdict: Badass!
2. Karla. (Back, Second from Left) In a fashionable hand-crafted outfit, complete with homemade pants, Karla was undoubtedly the sexiest samurai of the night. She also baked the best brownies.
3. Lil' Dude. 'Dojo.' (Back Middle) Dressed in what appeared to be a women's bathrobe and sweatpants from the local thrift store, Lil' Dude was clearly the lowest-paid member of the bunch. Still, his hospitality in the heart of the Castro celebration, complete with sake bombing, more than glossed over any lose threads or female wardrobe.
4. Francis. 'The Armorer.' (Front, Second from Right) Francis provided key weaponry for several samurai too lazy or cheap to get it on their own (#3, #6). He also provided previously-unheard-of rice beer, snacks, and hours of fun in comparing his hair piece to Joey Ramone.
5. Steve/John. (Back Right; Photographer) Steve was probably our least enthusiastic samurai, owing in large part to the massive hangover he was nursing. So, at 8:30 or so he gave his bathrobe to John, who ended up dealing with the dual responsibilities of samurai #5 and group lush. A mighty task, but no mountain is too tall for John Loshuertos!
6. Scott. (Front Right) Scott was a late addition to the team, but made up for his tardiness with a substantial investment in what he thought to be a samurai outfit but really ended up to be more of a ninja costume. Still, Scott gets bonus points for sneaking kisses with Wonder Woman and for going on the top secret Two Samurai Covert Op of sneaking over the fence and performing cannonballs into the neighbor's pool.
7. Andrew. (Far Left) Andrew signed on ON Halloween, and gets mucho credit for his slapped-together but hilarious outfit, complete with duct tape nametag reading "Samurai #7" and Rambo-like bandana. Armed to the teeth with enough sai to make Raphael from the ninja turtles envious, Andrew was an enthusiastic sake consumer until he had to go host his own party and change into a hula girl outfit.
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