What's a Better Reason to Impeach a President?
1. Doing the semi-nasty with a fat intern and then lying about it.
2. Making up reasons to go to war, and then scaring everybody into going along with it.
Let's see...
Option 1: Nobody dead. Personal reputation soiled, national reputation cemented as home to too many uptight fanatical Christians who prefer to pretend that sex never happens. Country at same level of safety.
Option 2: Thousands dead. National reputation soiled as meddlers and torturers. Country more unsafe with more pissed off Arabs/terrorists fighting in insurgencies, etc.
And the worst part: making up the threat and telling everybody it was related to 9/11, when it wasn't. More documents come out every day from the UK demonstrating that even our top allies thought we were creating this from smoke (read this front page article from the Washington Post, which is what got me so riled up this morning). The worst part is that nobody stood up against it then (and few people are doing so now).
I agree. This Iraq war is a mess and most people don't seem to care.
This quote really stood out for me: "What will this action achieve?" No one in the US seems to be able to answer this question without spewing some sort of rhetoric or propaganda.
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