Friday, July 22, 2005

Name Game

This week, a group of Indians won another chance to revoke the Washington Redskins' name.

Growing up an ardent Redskins supporter, I enjoyed the fruits of two dominant Super Bowl wins and owned a number of Redskins-labeled gear. For the many years in this playoff-bound utopia, the idea of changing the name of the best team in the entire universe seemed laughable. But now, as an adult, I realize that they absolutely should change it. It's racist. It's offensive. It underscores the Redskins' history of being the last pro football team to integrate. And I have a fabulous alternative.

The Washington Warriors!

Keep the logo, keep the band (and song), keep the colors, keep everything except the name. They're still Indians, they're still mediocre, they're still owned by an idiot -- but now they've got alliteration on their side and a little moral high ground for once. What's to lose?


At 10:32 PM, Blogger Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

I like it. It's catchy. Although, it reminds me of the Golden State Warriors. Can you have two sports teams with half the same name? I guess no one confuses the NY Giants with the SF Giants.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Matt Stewart said...

and then when they have a losing season they can have a "deficit" and when everybody gets injured they can call it "invading iraq"


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