It's been a busy news week -- the Olympics, terrorists, in London worm racing, the fall of the 40 mph barrier. So it's easy to understand that this piece detailing how Bush took out a bobby in Scotland on his bike didn't make the front page.
Can you believe this guy and the bike? Everytime something happens, the bike is nearby and lurking. How the hell did the presidential bike end up in Scotland? Does he pack it on all of his trips or is one provided for him? Who's in charge of remembering the bike? Oiling it? Gauging tire pressure? Has George ever cracked the 40 mph barrier? (probably, as he can ride anywhere he wants without pesky traffic, unless you count those police officer obstacles guarding the grounds)
One might say that George's handling of his bicycle is similar to how he handles the country -- unaimed and destructive.
You should change the name of this blog to Supermattbicycle
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