Fourth Quarter Lorr
I'm back from Burning Man but far from rested or coherent, so today I'd instead like to give a shout out to my oldest friend, Ben Lorr.
In early August, Ben took off on his bicycle by himself from New York City. His direction: west. His goal: unknown. A few weeks ago I received a call from Ben from Cincinnati - suffering from an incredibly sore ass, he hoped to make it to Denver. Then ten days ago he called from the Utah/Nevada border with his sights set on San Francisco. Last Wednesday he was in Carson City, Nevada, and, while I was in remote Nevada living a Dali painting, he made it to San Francisco. The hemorrhoids, presumably, were fist-sized.
That's 2700 miles, on his bike, by himself. Crazy, insane - but inherently awesome. Here's to you, Ben!
(Ben was also known as "Fourth Quarter" Lorr in high school due to his tendency to arrive at high school basketball games in the fourth quarter, thereby dodging the $2 admission fee as well as boring, noncritical play. "Ben Lorr with the Yellow Door" was also popular for a while, as he spraypainted his door yellow with images of dudes smoking doobies.)
Kind of puts your 100k bike ride to shame.
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