Some People Just Suck

And no, it's not Jaymz....
Wimps and losers across San Francisco are filing huge quantities of noise complaints from the Rolling Stones/Metallica concert. I realize we're all Americans here and like having things our way or the highway, but please, guys, be a sport! If we can't get together to celebrate California heavy metal and British rock, what do we have left?
This reminds me of the insane week-long fiestas that would go down in Spain when I did a semester abroad in Sevilla. People stay out drinking (and pissing) in the streets all night long, all day long, at high volume -- and hardly anybody complained. There, having a party was tradition (and the parties had often been around for hundreds of years), and any thought of interfering with kids letting off some steam was ridiculed. Kids had their fun and old folks went to bed.
In America, however, people complain. People want the Haight Street Fair to end earlier, they forced the urban ski jump to be held during the week rather than on the weekend (when people could actually go) -- heck, even one good friend of mine thinks Bay to Breakers (aka the day my brother calls "the most fun day of his life") should be shut down because it creates too much chaos. I realize people pay a lot of money for their houses and want their quiet refuge, but they also decided to live in a city with all the vibrancy, creativity, and noise that comes with it. Shut up and have fun, guys.
People need to have a drink or a hit of marijuana and calm the hell down. Everyone is so uptight.
Although, I'd get pissed off if I had to hear Everclear at top volume while I'm trying to get some sleep.
Living just a block away, I enjoyed it. All I had to do was open the window and I could hear the concert loud and clear. I actually felt lucky.
I would understand the noise complaint if we were living in another neighborhood, but hell, this is the place in the city for all of the big-top events, so all the carpetbaggers like us who moved into these brand-new buildings knew what we were getting into. The leasing agent actually jokingly mentioned the Stones concerts to us when we first looked at the apartment.
Are residents going to complain about all the traffic from cars going to the Cirque du Soleil in this neighborhood tonight? No, because it's not ROCK.
But I should add that no matter how much SF residents complain, it's nothing compared to Berkeley residents. They design labyrinthine streets just so that no cars can actually whisper past their houses. All the aging hippies who exploit students for outrageous rents and turn around complaining that the University doesn't contribute enough to paying the city's bills. As though the self-righteous homeowners believed that Berkeley would still be distinguishable from Vallejo if UC decamped.
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