Surreality on the Road
So today on the bike ride into work I saw my old car, the 1990 Mazda 323 hatchback crapmobile that I unloaded last summer. It's an easy car to pick out, as it has a couple of large dents in the side and is the color of rust (which they pretty much stopped using in 1991). I waved at the driver and said hi; she at least pretended to know who I was, and then zoomed off. (Hey, the car can still zoom!)
This is, unbelievably, the SECOND time I've spotted my old car; the first time was last fall going over the Bay Bridge. For a 16-year-old car, it's still rockin' n' rollin' well, and for a split-second I thought about how much money I could've saved by riding that puppy out for a few more years.
And then I remembered how uncomfortable it was, how it was slapped together with spit and duct tape, how it was easier to break into than a bank made out of swiss cheese, and continued on into work.
You do indeeed seem a happier man in the Pontiac express. And its better for bikes. SF is the land of old cars. Personally, though not quite your mazda, i am in love with 4 door honda civic hatchbacks. You never see them elsewhere in the country. Here? Everyday. Brilliant.
dude, thanks for the personal and hearfelt greetings!
PS the pontiac vibe is made with all toyota parts!
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