Friday, September 03, 2004

The Truth

Anybody else watch Bush's speech last night? More importantly, did anybody else want to strangle the liar when he started telling us how much people in the Middle East like us for liberating Afghanistan and Iraq? How much the Middle East appreciates us liberating those nations from tyranny?

Earth to George! The Arab street HATES us for being interventionists, shoot-first-with-no-evidence-of-weapons-of-mass-destruction jerks, and untrustworthy, prisoner-abusing, Muslim-insensitive scum that have killed 10,000 Iraqi civilians, among other things. Wake up!

Did you notice that a woman got kicked out for putting up a banner that read "Bush Lies, People Die" in the middle of the speech? They didn't show it on TV, but there were some weird crowd noise moments moments during the speech while it all went down. Mad props to June Brashares (of San Francisco, of course), the woman responsible for making it happen.

Bush was undeterred, however, and went on to label Kerry as a guy who will raise taxes (leaving out that he'll raise taxes only on the rich) and mocked Kerry as a person who takes a nuanced look at complicated issues. Boy, a thoughtful, careful president. That's a new idea....

On that note, here's thinking of Bill Clinton and his heart surgery this weekend. We need him for when President Kerry makes him the next Secretary of State.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger bluelily said...

at my college graduation students were removed when they held up an anti-bush banner while the speaker (some big-time republican). it sucked that they got dragged away, but good for them.

the speaker was awful.


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