Thursday, February 17, 2005

The Battle of the Bulge

Got a call yesterday from the vet. It's time to take the dog in for a weigh in.

For those of you unfamiliar with Otis's struggle against packing on the pounds, here's a summary of Otis's weight.

8/02 - 62 pounds. Skinny bugger.
8/03 - 71 pounds. Some weight gain after getting out of a shelter is normal; dogs are usually nervous in there and don't eat as much.
12/04 - 78 pounds. He's a lardass.

Otis's weight gain is pretty easy to figure out, as his top activities are eating, snacking, sleeping, and resting. Running and romping don't even make the top ten. To combat this growing problem, we've moved him on to the diet dog food, which he loves, and have cut out the calorie-intensive beer from his diet. I'll keep you posted.

Also, big shout out to Lil' Dude today on the 23rd anniversary of his birth. Same birthday as Paris Hilton!


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