Wednesday, February 09, 2005


So last night I wanted to show Karla a dope music video I'd seen at work with Nelly and Tim McGraw. I went and grabbed my laptop, logged onto Launch, and watched as the computer easily found the file, picked the bitrate appropriate for my connection speed, and played it for free. We watched the video in bed, via a wireless DSL connection.

It hit me--this is the future! We don't have teleporters or cars that fold into suitcases yet, but this is stuff we couldn't have imagined fifteen years ago. Amazing.

Sure beats the old days, when living to the grand old age of 25 was a rarity.


At 2:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I'd also like to thank launch for pointing out Akon to me. I also believe that the age of the future is here and that paying for things has become the way of the past, such as music, video, books, porn. It's a brave new world.



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