Nazi Killer
An ex-guard at Nuremberg just came out with the information that he semi-wittingly smuggled Hermann Goering a suicide capsule in his cell. You may recall Goering as basically the number two Nazi in the regime, and the number one living Nazi at the time, seeing as Adolph had already bought his one-way ticket to a godless Hell. Anyways, Goering was scheduled to be executed in a few hours, so this guard saved him that indignity I suppose-at the time, Goering was unhappy because he was slated to die by hanging not by shooting, which was the appropriate, Nazi way to go.
Either way, the guard basically is responsible for killing Goering, which I think is pretty awesome as far as killing someone is involved. Let's face it, when the #2 architect of the worst mass murder in history dies thanks to your action (even if they are blubbery, naive, and possibly illegal actions, as the article reveals), take a little credit.
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