Sunday, January 30, 2005

A Letter to My Supervisor

Don't worry, you won't see any more rants like the Berkeley thing for a while...just had to let off some steam...

Dear Supervisor Mirkarimi,

Greetings, and congratulations on your recent election victory. I'm a
constituent of yours on Belvedere Street, and I'm writing about the
proposed 17 cent charge on plastic bags at supermarkets.

Please oppose this fee. I'm not against some tax on plastic bags, but
17 cents a bag is absurd, and can really add up for everybody. Also,
it's a regressive tax, and punishes the poor--why not add a tax that
is fairer and levels a higher incidence on the wealthy? Additionally,
I'm a dog owner, and I rely on those plastic bags to pick up my dog's
poop. It may sound trivial or funny, but it's not--these bags provide
a real service for everyone.

Finally, I'm annoyed by the exemption for local businesses. Why does
the San Francisco government always shun big companies? Why are big
companies bad? When did "corporation" become a dirty word? To be
sure, I love the array of local establishments that add color and
flavor to my neighborhood, but I don't think it's fair to exempt them
from this. Big companies often offer good jobs and health benefits
that many local business don't provide--they play by the rules too,
but they're routinely punished by the Board of Supervisors. I'd be
delighted to see a more symbiotic approach towards big
employers/companies in the city, and the plastic bag issue is a great
place to start.

And by the way, if this tax goes through, I'll just start shopping for
food (and getting my poop bags) in Daly City, for free.

Thanks, and good luck,


At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Matt-

Thanks so much for your letter. I take all of my constituents concerns very seriously. I think that you should be aware of a few things about this proposed tax increase before spouting off in such a manner.

First, the city of San Fran is in desperate need of money, your money. We could be a bit more progressive on these kinds of taxes, skewing them towards the upper crust, but you probably know how much we rich people hate that kind of stuff.

Second, I have been appalled at the obesity trends that I have been noticing and one way to curb these trends is to stop you from buying so much damn food. Plus, if the poor are unable to buy food then they will not mulitply so much as they do now, the horny bastards.

Third, we need to tip the scales for small businesses who are fighting to stay alive against more efficient and cleaner competitors. If there's one thing we love to hate in Frisco, it's someone who looks too good.

So Matt, here's a big up-yours!


Supervisor Mirkarimi

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Matt Stewart said...

that's pretty damn funny

At 11:32 AM, Blogger soce said...

That's a pretty lame tax.


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