Thursday, June 02, 2005


Interesting article in the Chroncle about two people who rode their bikes across the country and just talked to people. That's it: no book deal, no documentary. Just getting people off their iPods and cell phones and talking to one another.

People have a lot to say too, much of it intelligent and interesting (and much of it, I'm sure, self-important and boring). My favorite quote:

"The middle of the country is not as bland as everyone says it is," Barry said. "They have a lot to talk about but nowhere to talk."

Isn't American life too insulated these days - particularly in nonurban areas? We go from air conditioned car to air conditioned office to air conditioned home without really giving new people a chance. Most friends are only made through mutual introduction or shared interests - very rarely just by meeting an interesting person in a bar or in a restaurant or on a bus (although that does work for bootylicious purposes).

Most people have at least some interesting stories - it's too bad we don't listen to them more often.


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Technology has allowed people to bring their own worlds wherever they go. In this day and age, you're just a cell phone call or a text message away from reaching a friend, everyone is so accessible. We now spend most of the time that used to be designated for expanding our world (on a bus, walking down the street, waiting on a corner or in the elevator) to become even more wrapped up in our existing world by talking to existing friends and listening to songs we've heard before. If people would take the headphones out of their ears every once in a while, maybe they would expand their horizons just a bit. But I could just be saying this because my iPod's broken right now.
- Kwame Brown


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