Sunday, July 24, 2005

New Car Tour De California

The new ride not only has a sunroof but can make it to Santa Cruz and back via the scenic route for well under a tank of gas. It also provided comfortable seating for Wedding Crashers at the San Jose Drive-In, which was a lovely venue but a horrendously disappointing movie, especially considering that Hansel was teamed up with the star of the best music video nobody's ever seen. (Props to shmoil for finding this place a couple years ago, when we got in for free for a far better film but with nasty Vietnamese food aftereffects).


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's still a drive-in theater around here? Hurrah! We're loading up the Camry and taking a field trip!

(I thought 'National Security' looked pretty good. Why does Martin have a bad rap?)

At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice looking car. Great color.


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