Friday, March 03, 2006

Who Hasn't Considered It?

A new study reports that for the first time since 1998, more people moved out of CA to other states than moved in. California's a fantastic state: great weather, gorgeous, more relaxed, fantastic ethnic food.

But I can understand why people are leaving. It's really really expensive.

Sure, everything costs a little more -- a little more for milk, a little more for gas, etc. But we get paid more too, so that doesn't bother me so much. What bothers me are the real estate prices. Buying a medium-sized, no-frills apartment in an OK neighborhood of San Francisco costs $700,000. I could buy a small palace in much of the country for the same price, plus not have the threat of earthquakes looming in the back of my mind. Worse, a crappy house in a crappy suburb ain't much cheaper. Housing is out-of-sight expensive, and before people like myself (young, energetic, considering places to live long-term) make permanent roots here, that very large factor pushes us to look elsewhere.


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