Wednesday, September 08, 2004

We're Number 2!

The SF Bay Area is officially home to the second worst traffic in the country, behind only the juggernaut of Los Angeles. My hometown of Washington, DC checks in at number three.

As I've lived in all of the top three cities, I feel I can definitively say that while the SF traffic may be bad by the statistics, there are lots of benefits to being stuck in SF traffic, including: beautiful surroundings, temperate climate, attractive people, access to In-N-Out Burger, etc. In Los Angeles, getting stuck in traffic is still annoying, but it's part of the LA experience. People accept it, and besides, things are so far apart you anticipate being in your car a lot to start out with.

But summer afternoon rush hour on the Beltway is the worst. I used to have to bring an extra shirt with me whenever I drove anywhere, so I could replace my sweated-through shirt once the air conditioning kicked in. Things don't get much better in the winter, when you can't see out of your frozen windshield and you can't touch your steering wheel and your breath is a permanent addition to the scenery for the first few miles. I'll take SF at number two over DC at number three any day of the year.


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