Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Left Wing Losers

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton proposed that the Democratic Party stop squabbling and unite in order to be a stronger force in American politics. An excellent point in my book, as, continual Bush blunders aside, the Democrats keep getting their ass beat in elections. So why not come with a united, strong front that can finally chip away at the Republican Fear Machinery?

Instead, left-wing nutjobs complain, complain, complain. They're worried about sacrificing their ideals, that evil corporations will take over the world, that an endangered animal may occasionally die, that people will continue driving places in cars that use gas. And while that's obviously a parody of the left wing, their very real and meaningful complaints (Iraq, Rove, abortion) get lost in the unrealistic and unbending positions some of these left-wingers take on trivial positions.

Simply put, these people don't understand the importance of WINNING.

When I was working for slave wages at the Washington State Democrats, I repeatedly heard our chairman tell large crowds of people that his job was to get more Democrats elected. Wait a second, I thought, isn't your job to promote the Democratic party platform and build on Democratic traditions of supporting working families, the old, the poor and the homeless?

The truth is, you can't do any of that unless you win. When you win, you set the rules. You can select Supreme Court judges. You can cut money from PBS's budget. You can start wars on a lie. You have the spotlight and the megaphone and hopefully a nice tap dance routine. But you need to win. You can work towards improving environmental policies and shoring up business regulations -- but only when you win.

Furthermore I'm sickened by constant super-liberals' attacks on corporations. "They're inhumane," they say, "they exploit workers and screw everybody to make money." Occasionally, that's true. But corporations provide jobs, provide useful products for fair prices, and make life better for the vast majority of people. Think you could get a flight to Japan for $500 without corporations? Think you could get In-N-Out Burger for $5 without corporations? You're dreaming. Besides, most companies fail--starting one is a risky proposition. And what most uberliberals forget is that successful corporation was once just a few people and an idea that, through hard work and luck, WON the battle of the marketplace.

Liberals, celebrate winning. Yelling epithets from the sideline does no good. Listen to Hillary, unite, and win back the country please.


At 10:40 PM, Blogger Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

I agree. It's not the corporations that are evil. It's the folks running them.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Matt Stewart said...

I think that's still wrong. 98% of the people who run corporations and companies are good people. A few of them ruin it for everybody -- just like 98% of the people who live in the neighborhood are good people, but it only takes 2% of thugs to make things crappy in a hurry.

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a hogwild left-winger, I am proud to say that I hate nature and have never hugged a tree in my life. Except when I was four, and it wasn't any kind of statement. I love beer and trashy stuff. And whenever I see vegans or naked people at protests, I see red because I know that no one's going to take us seriously.

I'm all on board with uniting. As a matter of fact, I have made fun of many Daily Kossacks because they aren't any fun. I agree with you on winning, too. I posted on another site that I would hold my nose and stick with the Dems because of the power it would bring to the local level. That's where it matters. I hear ya.

Of course, after all that agreement comes the disagreement. I am no fan of the DLC. Don't like 'em, never did. They hold their fingers into the wind and sway around. I mean, if we unite, then why does it have to mean a move to the center rather than a move toward the more lefty Howard Dean?

Corporations. Not evil. You got me with the In-N-Out point. But the current laissez-faire economics encourages bad behavior.

Speaking of, I should do some work for the corporation that lets me eat!

At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got that right.

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