Thursday, September 08, 2005

Stolen Word

I stole this from Remove Republicans, but it's too good to pass up. Again I'm left wondering how any sane person voted for George W. Bush.

What Was the First Thing You Did After the Hurricane Hit?

- Condi Rice: Took in Spamalot! on Broadway; went shoe shopping;
forced the removal of a passerby who yelled, "How dare you shop
for shoes while thousands are dying and homeless!"; practiced her
serve with Monica Seles.

- George Bush: Ate cake for John McCain's 69th birthday; gave a
pro-war speech in San Diego; peeked at New Orleans from Air Force
One; finally visited the Gulf a full 5 days later.

- Dick Cheney: Went fishing; bought a $2.9 million mansion on
Chesapeake Bay.

- Al Gore: Arranged for an airlift of supplies; helped unpack the
boxes of water and medical equipment; declined to hold a press
conference or speak to reporters as to not make the event seem


At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, apparently 62,040,606 people are not sane? Maybe living in an overwhelmingly liberal city has skewed your views, since you are in the minority (in the past election and in the blame Bush game, since the new CNN/Gallup poll shows majority of Americans blame the Mayor and Governor, both Democrat). And, since Republicans keep winning more and more elections, maybe they are on to something.

I get the non-skewed exemption since even though Texas is Republican, Dallas is Democratic.

Commence pile-on!

At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, that George W. Bush link is NOT safe for work. Geeze.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Matt Stewart said...

No point digging into the obvious problems (Iraq lies, increasing class segregation, bloated deficits, reading a book to kids on 9/11). Just look at the list of activities on the post. Aren't you embarrassed?

and I guess I shouldn't call all those people insane. Easily tricked, overly trusting of the federales, superduper religious (ahem!) and/or greedy could be used too.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Matt Stewart said...

amen brotha kanye!

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

Please tell me that list is made up. If it's true all those people (except Al Gore) should be ashamed of themselves


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