I Have to Question the Timing
GM is firing 30,000 people. I don't question the GM decision on the business merits (except they need to lay off the SUVs and start making more hybrids--a little foresight could have saved some of those jobs), but I certainly don't like the schedule. It's Thanksgiving week. Don't be jerks!
In a similar vein, the federales recently announced they were going to kick Katrina refugees out on the streets in a month. Congress, which is occasionally sensitive to actual people, put the pressure on to give them homes for the holidays. How sweet. Congress then proceeded to cut $50 billion in services for poor people while keeping a ridiculous tax cut for the rich.
This is the time of year to be happy about all that we have. I live in a gorgeous location, I get to pick my leaders, I make more money than 99% of the rest of the world, I ride my bike over one of the world's most famous landmarks every day, I have a healthy family, a beautiful girlfriend, a smart dog, and a closetful of Hawaiian shirts. In general things are fantastic--it's hard to complain.
But GM, that's just tactless. No wonder you're losing money. And all you people who voted for Bush out there (aka Steven Gibbons)...don't you wish you could have that one back? Maybe for the holidays?
It's always a bad sign for the economy when a company can't even wait a month or two to announce layoffs.
As for the feds, does it really suprise you that the administration that employed Brownie didn't even consider the holidays when deciding to end the aid to the hurricane victims? Common sense doesn't run rampant in the Bush administration.
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