Lumerian Invasion
As I was finishing up a project with our video editor last Wednesday, I mentioned that I was going to Mt. Shasta for Thanksgiving. The video editor, who dabbles in conspiracy theories and the supernatural from time to time, advised me to ask about the Lumerians when I got there.
Shastafarians (that is, Shasta residents), have various explanations for Lumerians. Most agree that they live on a different psychic or energy field and have incredible psychic powers. Their appearance is disputed (very tall, wearing white robes, invisible to the naked eye) but my interviewing revealed that many residents believe they live inside the mountain after their lost continent submerged into the Pacific (I think it was called Moorea, or the Pacific version of Atlantis (not the casino!)). Many said that the oddly shaped lenticular clouds that form over Mt. Shasta and kind of look like big sombreros are actually masks for the Lumerian UFOs that come by to refuel on the crystalline snow and water on top of the mountain.

Gotta admit, looks out-of-this world, don't it?
We didn't see any Lumerians, despite a hike up the mountain in a blizzard, although we met two guys who did. One guy said that the Lumerians cleaned out his psychic cords and made him think much more clearly (AKA drugs), while the other guy said that a Lumerian gave him a tour of the mountain. I wanted to believe him, but then he started talking about the time he met a giant albino yeti and I started to have my doubts. Given that we were in the town of Weed at the time, is that behavior really a surprise?
We were also psyched (pun intended) to try the Lemurian Lager (alt spelling) at the local brewery, but alas they were closed for the weekend...or was it a cover up?
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