Paid to Guess
Last night I was enjoying the local nightly news (slow news day -- there was a five minute feature on cyber bullies!) when, not so surprisingly, the weather rolled around. For those of us who ride our bikes 22 miles a day, it's nice to know whether or now we will get soaked with chilly rain. Alas, when the weatherman went to the five day forecast, he couldn't quite put his finger on Sunday and Monday's weather, and called it "Unsettled."
Those words actually appeared on my television. "Unsettled." IT'S YOUR JOB TO PREDICT THE WEATHER! I screamed EVEN IF YOU CAN'T BE SURE, GIVE ME YOUR BEST GUESS! Give me a chance of rain, give me something. But for Chrissakes, don't just give up! Are you too hungover to do your job? And those days are waaay in the future -- if things change, just alter later on. Nobody will remember! Besides, this is San Francisco, the mildest weather ever. Worst case scenario: you're five degrees off.
Kind of reminds me of that scene in LA Story, when weatherman Steve Martin taped the weather ahead of time and put suns all over the map so he could go on a date, and then it rained cats and dogs. But at least Steve Martin took a stand, unlike those gutless chumps at KPIX!

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