Built-In Stupid Sign

Some idiota in Utah has sold her forehead as a billboard for a measly 10 Gs.
I think I'd resort to streetwalking and manure shoveling before doing this.
Writer, philosopher, and amateur power-lifter Matt Stewart shares his hilarious and thought-provoking insights on life in San Francisco, rouckin', and the Great Topics of Our Age.
Last night I stumbled across the rare Seinfeld episode that I either haven't seen or can't remember very well. It's the one where George is eating a lot of shrimp in a meeting and this jerk tells him that the sea called and they're looking for all their shrimp. George spends some time thinking up a comeback and shows up at the next Yankees meeting with a tub of shrimp, but learns that the jerk has been fired and now works in Akron. Undeterred, George flies out to Akron, sets up a bogus meeting with the jerk's new company, brings along the tub of shrimp and fires his comeback: "The jerk store called, and they're looking for you."
There's some fresh hard-hitting journalism in SF Weekly this week on inner tubing Cache Creek and sailing the SF Bay.
Just went out and had a chat with Lars in the parking lot! He did a great job of trying to ignore me but once I told him I was in the fan club he melted like a stick of butter. Unfortunately I didn't land the cell phone picture but seeing as his kid's going to school next door I'll have plenty of chances to get myself invited to the Metallica holiday party by the end of the year!
Lars Ulrich just walked into my office! Apparently he was looking for the school next door so he could register his kid for school next year. Somebody said, "Hey, you look familiar," and he said, "I used to intern here" and ran off.
1. Doing the semi-nasty with a fat intern and then lying about it.
Each day when I wake up, I have to decide whether to ride my bike into work. I love riding in, but when it's raining, or I'm really tired, it's an extremely bad idea. Two weeks ago I rode in in foggy weather and it rained all afternoon - I was shamed into begging a ride home off somebody. Not cool.
Shaq just got his MBA, for which he did most of the work online. He wanted the degree, he claims, partially because he may have to leave his fantasy world and work 9 to 5 like the rest of us one day.
My mom is doing some serious political lifting these days. Look out!
It's hard to accept that most of this stuff happens within five blocks of my apartment (typos the SFPD's):
Felony Drug Arrest
Plainclothes officers entered the park at the above location when a new-to-town homeless guy asked one if he needed anything. The officer told the guy he needed an eighth. The guy then walked the officer towards the tunnel and produced what he had asked for. The two agreed on a price and instead of producing money the officer produced his police star. And the dude was busted. He went straight to jail without collecting $200.
Burglary/Theft from Supermarket: Arrest Made
Two suspects went to Cala Market for a shopping binge at
Warrant Arrest
Officers encountered a stumbling drunk in the middle of the street yelling obscenities at cars as they passed. They stopped him before he hurt himself. A computer check showed that he had a warrant for his arrest for driving drunk. Good thing he was only stumbling along this time. He was taken to the station so that he could indeed appear on his warrant.
Officers were called to 6th & Hugo on a report of a woman yelling on the corner. Our 50-year-old female suspect yelled profanity at the officers. She then walked down the street and tried to pry open a mailboxes. She then walked up some stairs to a landing about 12 feet above the sidewalk. She then threw a cement planter at the officer standing below narrowly missing him. She was taken into custody. You never know when a Saturday morning can turn deadly.
I tuned in for the end of the NBA finals game last night. Robert Horry was insane. He scored all the points at the end of the game, launched his groin into some Piston's face on a monster OT dunk, and, of course, nailed the winning 3 with six seconds left. I hardly ever watch pro hoops anymore, but this was a finale worth watching even if the boring ol' Spurs won. Particularly insightful were the following observations about Horry on espn.com:
This guy just handed in his deceased aunt's old library book.
Dear Editors,
I quit my new writing class at Berkeley. The professor -- Renee Swindle -- was terrible. She ended class a half hour early so she could catch the train back to Oakland. She didn't do the reading she assigned for the class (but berated people who didn't have their assignments ready at the drop of a hat). She made us do in-class writing assignments that did little other than burn time -- how many writers can cook up an astounding first draft in five minutes? We're not in grade school any more.
For the best, most ridiculous website intro you've ever seen, click here. Make sure your speakers are on.
Top moments from this year's Haight-Ashbury Street Fair:
Question: What happens when a satellite and a comet collide on Independence Day?
As I was driving in to work yesterday, NPR traffic reported with substantial incredulousness that a desk was sitting in the middle of an East Bay freeway.
For years there's been an unofficial understanding in my family: whatever my brother Colin says about a movie, he's usually wrong. For example, he hated Donnie Brasco and loved Shrek 2. Didn't like The Aviator or Spider-Man, loved Garden State and Sideways. I could go on.
Well I'll be damned.
10.8 miles
Isn't that an awesome song?
Today might be the happiest day in my dog's life...
Interesting article in the Chroncle about two people who rode their bikes across the country and just talked to people. That's it: no book deal, no documentary. Just getting people off their iPods and cell phones and talking to one another.
The 49ers just put out a PR video that makes fun of our awesome mayor, Asians, gay marriage, and homeless people. The good news: there is a topless blonde shower scene!