Notable Quotable
"Poetry is the last stop on the bus ride to suicide."
Actually, I came up with that one. Don't get me started on where the fiction-writing stop is.
Writer, philosopher, and amateur power-lifter Matt Stewart shares his hilarious and thought-provoking insights on life in San Francisco, rouckin', and the Great Topics of Our Age.
"Poetry is the last stop on the bus ride to suicide."
Today, the 49ers sold the naming rights to Candlestick Park to a company called Monster Cable. Hence, the stadium will be known as Monster Park.
Bush's hometown paper has endorsed Kerry for president.
Friends, fans, and families, apologies to you all for my unprecedented blog absence. I have been hard at work punching in my first ever 70-hour week, and, well, there simply wasn't the time or inclination left to provide you with my ever-witty insights and commentary.
So I'm riding my bike into work, stopped at a red light, when I see this bike messenger speeding down the street perpendicular to where I'm standing. He's going really fast, and barely slows down to turn right onto my street.
If you saw the Redskins-Giants game today, you know what I mean.
Going to the Giants game tomorrow.
I got this email from somebody I didn't know today about some pajama party/left wing fundraiser this weekend. Amusing lyrical style though--somebody call 50 Cent!
So my car was broken into again last week. That's the fifth time in the past year.
If you've been to Zeitgeist in San Francisco, you've probably had a tamale from the Tamale Lady. I had two last night . But there have been repercussions...let's just say there's a rhythmic gymnastics team in my stomach this morning, and they're going for the gold.
The 2004 Redskins season starts on Sunday. And I'm torn.
To keep the #2 theme going between posts, I'd like to announce that I've begun writing my second novel and am enjoying it immensely.
The SF Bay Area is officially home to the second worst traffic in the country, behind only the juggernaut of Los Angeles. My hometown of Washington, DC checks in at number three.
I finally got around to watching Lord of the Rings last night. Up until then, I'd been boycotting the whole dynasty because A) I could never get past the first 30 pages of The Hobbit and B) I retain a silly, old-man, anti-establishment philosophy that occasionally makes itself known, and the LOTR trilogy became a target. (Harry Potter is a similar such target.) But, as I managed to obtain a copy for free at work, and I figured I should at least have some clue of who all these characters are (it comes up in the animation world, believe it or not), I popped it in last night.
Anybody else watch Bush's speech last night? More importantly, did anybody else want to strangle the liar when he started telling us how much people in the Middle East like us for liberating Afghanistan and Iraq? How much the Middle East appreciates us liberating those nations from tyranny?
But I'll start small--with my picture on a stamp.
No, I'm not talking about porn or the president.
This morning I stepped out onto my back porch and closed the door. Problem: I had left both my keys and cell phone inside the apartment. The door was now locked, of course, to fend off Haight Street evildoers, so I foolishly pulled open my rear window in a misguided attempt to get in. This resulted in toppling over several glass cups filled with pens and pencils that had been residing on the windowsill, shattering at least one of them. My ferocious but tired guard dog was not roused.